Common Information
- We have found the aqueous extracts of different parts of Karanja as promising natural herbicide. It suppresses the germination of many obnoxious weeds
- We have also noted the stimulatory allelopathic effects of Karanja extracts on germination and initial growth of many agricultural crops
- Karanja seeds yield bitter, non-edible (24-40%) oil with odd odour
- This oil is used for illumination, leather dressing, soap making, lubrication and in other related purposes
- This oil possesses insecticidal properties. The scientists have isolated Karanjin from seed oil and according to them; it is responsible for its action. The oil is also used as medicinal oil, both internally and externally
- According to Ayurveda, Karanja is anthelmintic, alexipharmic and useful in diseases of eye, vagina, skin. It is good for tumour, wounds, ulcers, itching, ascites, enlargement of spleen and abdomen, urinary discharges. It also cures biliousness, piles, head pains, leucoderma, skin diseases and wounds. According to Unani system of medicine, seeds are acrid and carminative, purify and enrich blood, relieves inflammations, cure earache, chest complaints, lumbago, chronic fever and hydrocele. Oil is styptic and anthelmintic. It is good in scabies, leprosy, piles, lumbago, chronic fever, liver pain etc.