Our unique combination of both these products forms a Natural Organic & Eco Friendly media ideal for most types of cultivation.
For sandy or heavy soil add 5-7 litres of Terra neem coir per sq. Metre and mix in well
Use one part Terra neem coir to one part sand & two parts garden compost or loam to make a general use compost. Adjust proportions to your personal requirements
Add 2 -3 litres of Terra neem coir to planting pit at time of planting. Water in well.
Excellent long-life water retention reduces drying out in summer months. Remember with hanging pot plants it is wise to water lightly and more often. This is due to many hanging pot designs being unable to sustain water during irrigation
Scatter Terra neem coir on the lawn before a rain shower & lightly rake into the grass. The water retaining Terra neem coir keeps surface roots moist to create a healthy, green, drought resistant lawn
Dig a handful of Terra neem coir around the roots of annuals - when planting out, double the amount for perennials. The compost retains moisture in summer conditions; slowly releases fertilizer and protects against many insect pests
For lettuces and similar short life vegetables follow the instructions for annuals. For larger, long life vegetables, increase the amounts. Terra neem coir is widely used in Gro-bags
NOTE: In most cases there is no need to spray plants with harmful pesticides. Terra neem coir has its own systemic pesticide. Not only does in repel certain types of insects but it affects the insects reproductive system.